Conferences and delivered presentations 

  • The 19th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC 2024), Changes in the friction torque of a multi-segmented active foil Bearing, Gdańsk, Poland, 16-18.09.2024.
    12th Wdzydzeanum Conference on Fluid – Solid Interaction, Impact of fluid-structure interaction on the dynamic properties of various active foil bearing designs, Wdzydze Kiszewskie, Poland, 01-05.09.2024.
  • 15th SIRM – European Conference on Rotordynamics,Changes in the friction torque of an active foil bearing”, Darmstadt, Germany, 22–24.02.2023.
  • 7th International Congress on Technical Diagnostics, “Fractal dimension in the diagnosis of rotating machinery – based on numerical analysis”, Radom, Poland, 14-16.2022.
  • 9th Wdzydzeanum Workshop on Fluid – Solid Interaction, “Talking into account fluid-structure interactions in the basic control model of an active foil bearing”, Wdzydze Kiszewskie, Poland, 5–10.09.2021.
  • SIRM 2021 – Dynamics of Rotating Machines, “Dynamics of a rotor supported by active foil bearings – a numerical study“, Gdańsk, Poland (online), 17-19.02.2021,
  • The 15th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MoVic 2020, “The basic control model of an active foil bearing”, Niigata, Japan (online), 8-11.12.2020.
  • SIRM 2019 – 13th International Conference on Dynamics of Rotating Machines, “Analysis of displacements in a gas foil bearing using an ultra-high-speed camera”, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-15.02.2019.
  • IFToMM 2018 Rotordynamics, “Selection of the bearing system for a 1 kW ORC microturbine”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-27.09.2018.
  • Dynamical Systems – theory and applications 2017, ”The experimental determination of bearings dynamic coefficients in a wide range of rotational speeds, taking into account the resonance and hydrodynamic instability”, Łódź, Poland, 11-14.12.2017.
  • 31st Workshop on Turbomachinery 2017, “Bearings for 1 kW ORC microturbine”, Dresden, Germany, 4-6.10.2017.
  • ASME TURBO EXPO Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition 2017, “Comparison of experimentally and numerically determined dynamic coefficients of the hydrodynamic slide bearings operating in the nonlinear rotating system”, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 26-30.2017.
  • Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen SIRM 2017, “The experimental identification of the dynamic coefficients for two hydrodynamic journal bearings”, Graz, Austria, 15-17.02.2017.
  • XLIV Nationwide Symposium of Machine Diagnostics 2017 Experimental identification of bearing dynamic coefficients –preliminary research (originally in Polish: Eksperymentalne wyznaczanie współczynników dynamicznych łożysk hydrodynamicznych – badania wstępne), Wisla, Poland, 26.02-02.03.2017.
  • 12th International Symposium SYMKOM 2016, “An experimental investigation to determine bearing dynamic coefficients of two hydrodynamic bearings using impulse responses”, Gdańsk, Poland, After the presentation the Scientific Committee of the Conference awarded the prize: “First prize in Young Researchers’ Award Competition“, 18-19.10.2016.
  • XLIII Nationwide Symposium of Machine Diagnostics 2016 Analysis of dynamical properties of a 700 kW turbine rotor designed to operate in an ORC installation (originally in Polish: Analiza właściwości dynamicznych turbiny 700 kW pracującej w obiegu ORC), Wisla, Poland, 29.02-04.03.2016.
  • XX International school of computer-aided design, manufacturing and operation, Numerical estimation of linear and nonlinear stiffness and damping coefficients of journal hydrodynamic bearings, Jurata, Poland, 16-20.05.2016.
  • XLII Nationwide Symposium of Machine Diagnostics 2015, Impulse method for determining stiffness, damping and mass coefficients of bearings (originally in Polish: Metoda impulsowa wyznaczania współczynników sztywności, tłumienia i masy łożysk), Wisla, Poland, 02.03-03.03.2015.
  • XVI International school of computer-aided design, manufacturing and operation, Modal analysis of the construction of the test rig of small rotors using a vibration exciter. Part one – experimental research, Jurata, Poland, 14-18.05.2012.
  • XXXIX Nationwide Symposium of Machine Diagnostics 2012, Modal analysis of the construction of the test rig of small rotors Part two – simulation research (originally in Polish: Analiza modalna konstrukcji podpierającej stanowiska badawczego dynamiki małogabarytowych wirników. Część druga – badania symulacyjne), Wisla, Poland, 05-10.03.2012.
  • XV International school of computer-aided design, manufacturing, and operation, Experimental verification of numerical analysis of the stand for the wind turbines tests, Jurata, Poland, 9-13.05.2011.
  • XV International school of computer-aided design, manufacturing and operation, Modeling of bathscaph’s screw propeller – Experiments on Kort nozzle, Jurata, Poland, 09-13.05.2011.
  • 14th International Symposium of students and young mechanical engineers: Advances in chemical and mechanical engineering, Estimation of zero buoyancy of the bathyscaphe. Pneumatic buoyancy control of the bathyscaphe, Gdańsk, Poland, 05-07.05.2011.
  • XVI International conference of student circles and XXVIII Sejmik SKN, Video transmission and control of the bathyscaphe (originally in Polish: Transmisja obrazu oraz sterowanie batyskafem), Wrocław, Poland, University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, 12-13.05.2011.
  • XIV International school of computer-aided design, manufacturing, and operation, Universal test stand for wind turbine components - conceptual considerations (originally in Polish: Uniwersalne stanowisko do badania elementów siłowni wiatrowych – rozważania koncepcyjne), Jurata, Poland, 10-14.05.2010.
  • XIII International school of computer-aided design, manufacturing and operation, Test rig for examining high-speed bearings (originally in Polish: Stanowisko do badania systemów łożyskowania wirników szybkoobrotowych), Jurata, Poland, 11-15.05.2009.