Project no. LIDER/12/0073/L-8/16/NCBR/2017
Project acronym: TURBOCHILL
The primary research objective is to develop technologies for high-speed, oil-free and hermetic radial refrigeration compressors of low and medium power (from a few kW to several tens of kW of driving power) that will meet high functional and operational requirements. The term "refrigeration compressors" should be understood broadly, i.e. it refers to equipment intended for operation in systems implementing refrigeration circuits in the broadly defined HVAC&R industry (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration). The features of the technology to be optimized are as follows:
noise level,
vibration level.
The ultimate goal of the project is the market implementation of the Polish technology of low and medium power radial refrigeration compressors.
Project value 1,200,000 PLN
Amount of NCBR funding 1,200,000 PLN