I am a reviewer for the following journals related to mechanical engineering:
- Actuators [link]
- Advanced Theory and Simulations [link]
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering [link]
- Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal [link]
- Aerospace [link]
- AIMS Mathematics [link]
- Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology [link]
- Applied and Computational Mechanics [link]
- Applied Sciences [link]
- Applied System Innovation [link]
- Archives of thermodynamics [link]
- Computers [link]
- Diagnostyka [link]
- Dynamics [link]
- Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability [link]
- Energies [link]
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence [link]
- IEEE Access [link]
- Information [link]
- Journal of Sensors [link]
- Journal of Life and Medical Sciences [link]
- Journal of Tribology [link]
- Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A [link]
- Lubricants [link]
- Machines [link]
- Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering [link]
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering [link]
- Mathematics [link]
- Measurement [link]
- Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing [link]
- Ocean engineering [link]
- Progress in Nuclear Energy [link]
- Process [link]
- Recent Patents on Engineering [link]
- Sensors [link]
- Shock and Vibration [link]
- Symmetry [link]
- Tribology in industry [link]
I reviewed the papers at the conferences.:
- Turbo Expo 2024 — ASME International Gas Turbine Institute (2024) [link], London, United Kingdom
- ICMSSM2024 — The 9th International Conference on Mechanical Structures and Smart Materials (2024) [link], Beijing, China
- Member of the Program Committee [link] (initial invitation to review)
- SIRM2023: 15th European Conference on Rotordynamics (2023) [link], Darmstadt, Germany
- Member of the Program Committee
- ABROM 2022 — 1st Workshop on Active Bearings in Rotating Machinery (2022) [link], Athens, Greece
- SIRM2021 — 14th International Conference on Dynamics of Rotating Machines (2021) [link], Gdańsk, Poland