I conduct classes with the full-time engineering studies (physics) in the subject of renewable energy sources (seminar in Polish) at the Gdańsk University of Technology.
I conduct classes with the full-time engineering students (management engineering) in the subjects of engineering graphics (lectures and laboratories in English) and machine design (lectures in English) at the WSB Academy.
I teach postgraduate students (The Role of Renewable Energy Sources in the Energy Security of Local Governments and States) at the Managerial Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw (MANS).
I teach EMBA students (Executive Master of Business Administration) at the Managerial Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw (MANS).
Conducted lectures and laboratories on the subject of vibration in machine diagnostics (in English) for Ph.D. students of the 1st Summer School: intelligent materials, diagnostics and structural organized by the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in the frame of the project CenMAT (link).
Conducted lectures and laboratories on the subject of turbine for power generation (in English) for Ph.D. students of the 2nd Winter School: intelligent distributed generation organized by the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in the frame of the project CenMAT (link).
Conducted lectures and laboratories on the subject of lectures of turbines (in English) for Ph.D. students of the 3rd Summer School: clean energy organized by the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in the frame of the project CenMAT (link).
Conducted lectures on the subject of steam and gas turbines (in English) for Ph.D. students of the 1st Spring School: organized by the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences in the frame of the project mTSDPAN (STER).
Lectures on the subject of wind energy and power turbines
Lectures — Wind energy and power turbines
Lectures from the subject steam and gas turbines:
Lectures — Steam and gas turbines
Seminar on renewable energy sources I
Seminari — Renewable energy sources
Lectures from the subject machine design:
Machine design — Lecture 1 — Introduction, basic information about machine construction
Machine design — Lecture 2 — Parameters of materials and materials selection in mechanical design
Machine design — Lecture 3 — Shafts, couplings and shaft components
Machine design — Lecture 4 — Types of bearings, rolling bearings, mounting of bearings
Machine design — Lecture 5 — Journal bearings, thrust bearings, lubrication of bearings, clutches
Machine design — Lecture 6 — Brakes, belts, chains, spur gears, calculations of shafts
Machine design — Lecture 7 — Rigid connections, deformations and stress, beams
Machine design — Lecture 8 — FEM, surface failure, mechanical springs, seals, fatigue
Lectures and laboratories from the subject engineering graphics [EN — 18 hours of lectures]:
Lecture 1 — Introduction, basic information about engineering graphics
Lecture 3 — Letters, dimensioning symbols, dimensions
Laboratory 1 — Pictorial drawings
Lecture 4 — Tolerances, geometric characteristic symbols, threads
Lecture 5 — Roughness, welds, elements of machines
Laboratory 2 — Projections
Lecture 7 — AutoCAD II
Lecture 8 — AutoCAD III
Lecture 9 — AutoCAD IV, image quality, Inkscape, vector vs raster
Laboratory 3 — Dimensions and threads
Laboratory 4 - 5 — AutoCAD
Project — Project
Lectures from the subject engineering graphics [PL — 14 hours of lectures]:
Lecture 1 — Introduction, basic information about engineering graphics
Lecture 3 — Projections, dimensioning symbols, dimensions
Lecture 4 — Tolerances, geometric characteristic symbols, threads
Lecture 5 — Roughness, welds, elements of machines
Lecture 7 — AutoCAD II, image quality, Inkscape, vector vs raster
Lectures from the subject turbines for power generation:
Lectures — Turbines for power generation
Lectures from the subject vibration in machine diagnostics:
Lectures — Vibration in machine diagnostics
Lectures from the subject lectures of turbines:
Lectures — Lectures of turbines