@article{Szewczuk-Krypa2018, author = "Natalia Szewczuk-Krypa and Marta Drosińska-Komor and Jerzy Głuch and Łukasz Breńkacz", abstract = "The article presents results of efficiency calculations for two 560 MW nuclear cycles with high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). An assumption was made that systems of this type can be used in so-called marine nuclear power plants. The first analysed system is the nuclear steam power plant. For the steam cycle, the efficiency calculations were performed with the code DIAGAR, which is dedicated for analysing this type of systems. The other system is the power plant with gas turbine, in which the combustion chamber has been replaced with the HTGR. For this system, a number of calculations were also performed to assess its efficiency. Moreover, the article names factors in favour of floating nuclear power plants with HTGRs, which, due to passive safety systems, are exposed to much smaller risk of breakdown than other types of reactors which were in common use in the past. Along with safety aspects, it is also economic and social aspect which make the use of this type of systems advisable.", comments = "Bibliografia 1. pozycja 2 druga pozycja 3. [4] ", doi = "10.2478/pomr-2018-0043", issn = "2083-7429", journal = "Polish Maritime Research", keywords = "HTGR;floating marine plants;nuclear power;nuclear power plants", note = "
2. title
[3] title
", number = "S1", pages = "204--210", title = "{C}omparison analysis of selected nuclear power plants supplied with helium from high-temperature gas-cooled reactor", url = "http://www.brenkacz.com/images/publications/Szewczuk-Krypa%20et%20al.%20-%202018%20-%20Comparison%20analysis%20of%20selected%20nuclear%20power%20plants%20supplied%20with%20helium%20from%20high-temperature%20gas-coole.pdf", volume = "97", year = "2018", }