@article{Artur Andrearczyk2017, author = "Artur Andrearczyk and Grzegorz Żywica and Łukasz Breńkacz and Paweł Bagiński", abstract = "This article discusses a vibrodiagnostic system designed for the prototypical microturbine operating in an ORC-based power plant with an electrical capacity of around 100 kW. The first part of the article is devoted to the numerical analysis of the microturbine, which was conducted with taking into account the fact that the asynchronous electro-generator is connected to the microturbine shaft by a reduction gear. Based on the results of the analysis, the diagnostic system dedicated for the microturbine has also been developed. The second part of the article presents a vibrodiagnostic system in detail. The system with a dedicated measuring and monitoring software (developed using the LabVIEW programming environment) was described. The developed solution enables not only constant monitoring of the test object, but also protects the microturbine against propagation of damage and failure.", doi = "https://doi.org/10.21595/vp.2017.19024", issn = "2345-0533", journal = "Vibroengineering PROCEDIA", keywords = "vibrodiagnostics;measurement system;ORC system;rotor dynamics", pages = "56-61", title = "{V}ibration based diagnostics of the multi-stage microturbine operating in the medium-temperature {ORC} system", url = "http://www.brenkacz.com/images/publications/Andrearczyk%20et%20al.%20-%202017%20-%20Vibration%20based%20diagnostics%20of%20the%20multi-stage%20microturbine.pdf", volume = "13", year = "2017", }